Dreaming Up Fake (er, Generic) Brands

“Hey Vina, can you make me a fake car brand?” — John Mruz, SVP Strategy
”Um, what?!…. 🤔 … 💡… 😀 … YES, totally!” —Vina

In 2018, that’s how Vina got started in the business of making generic brands (magically dreaming up full brand identities — from logos and fonts to color palettes, imagery and brand tone). Working closely with the strategy and marketing teams, Vina created brands that endeavored to telegraph different verticals that would be used throughout the organization in demos, marketing collateral and industry thought leadership pieces (from whitepapers to webinars).

Making “fake” (er, generic) brands became one of her favorite things to do at Flashtalking by Mediaocean.

Flashtalking by Mediaocean, 2018-2022


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